Thursday 27 October 2016

Vedder River Chilliwach Fish Oct 23 2016

Monday 24 October 2016

Vedder River Chilliwach Fish Oct 23 2016

Vedder River Chilliwach Fish Oct 23 2016

I have not gotten a chance to make any videos yet this season untill now. However I can give you this report on a very short fishing day on Oct 23, 2016 Lots of chum spawning in thew shallows I did fish in the deeper faster water and caught one very nice healthy and strong chum. There are many ion there that still have some sheen to them and would be descent eating . HOWEVER the water is still low and there doesn't seem to be much of anything other then chum . Im sure there are some coho and spring in there But they are not many and I saw non in the water or being caught this day .